vu cs101 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.4

vu cs101 Introduction to Computing Solved Past Papers

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Question 4: Briefly describe Return to Zero (RZ) encoding scheme?
Any time, data contains long strings of 1's or 0's, Rx can loose its timing. In unipolar, we have seen a good solution is to send a separate timing signal but this solution is both expensive and full of error. A better solution is to somehow include synch in encoded signal somewhat similar to what we did in NRZ-I but it should work for both strings of 0 & 1. One solution is RZ encoding which uses 3 values : Positive, Negative and Zero Signal changes not b/w bits but during each bit like NRZ-L, +ve voltage means 1 and a -ve voltage means 0, but unlike NRZ- L, half way through each bit interval, the signal returns to zero. A 1 bit is represented by positive to zero and a 0 is represented by negative to zero transition. The only problem with RZ encoding is that it requires two signal changes to encode one bit and therefore occupies more BANDWIDTH But of the 3 alternatives we have discussed, it is most effective value.
Question 6: Compare Phase Modulation (PM) with Frequency Modulation (FM)?

Phase modulation (PM)

Simpler hardware requirements

Phase is modulated with the amplitude

Amplitude & Frequency of the carrier signal remain constant

Frequency Modulation (FM)

  1. Frequency of carrier signal is changed according to the amplitude of modulating signal
  2. Amplitude and Phase of the carrier signal remain constant
  3. Bandwidth of FM signal (modulated signal) = 10 * bandwidth of modulating signal Significant spectrum of FM audio = 15 KHz
  4. Minimum 150 KHz bandwidth
(page 96-97)
Question 7: Define Bit interval and Bit rate.

Bit Interval and Bit Rate

Most digital signals are aperiodic and thus Period and Frequency are not the appropriate terms to describe them
Bit Interval (seconds)
Time required to send one single bit
Bit Rate (bps)
Number of bits sent per second
Question 8: Define Sampling Rate.
The accuracy of any digital reproduction of an analog signal depends upon the samples taken (page#82)
Question 9: Describe different types of NRZ encoding scheme?
In NRZ encoding the level of signal is either positive or negative. NRZ is classified into 2 types:


Level of the signal depends on the type of bit it represents.

Positive voltage usually means the bit is a 1 and a negative voltage usually means the bit is a 0.


The inversion of the level represents a 1 bit. A bit 0 is represented by no change.

NRZ-I is superior to NRZ-L (PAGE 73)
Question 10: Difference between Phase Modulation(PM) with Frequency Modulation(FM)?

Phase modulation (PM)

Simpler hardware requirements

Phase is modulated with the amplitude

Amplitude & Frequency of the carrier signal remain constant

Frequency Modulation (FM)

Frequency of carrier signal is changed according to the amplitude of modulating signal

Amplitude and Phase of the carrier signal remain constant

FM Bandwidth

Bandwidth of FM signal (modulated signal) = 10 * bandwidth of modulating signal Significant spectrum of FM audio = 15 KHz

Minimum 150 KHz bandwidth

(page 96-97)

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