vu cs201 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.3
vu cs201 Introduction to Programming Solved Past Papers

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Operation of Odd-Parity Generator Circuit
The timing diagram shows the operation of the Odd-Parity generator circuit. Figure 14.3.
The A, B, C and D timing diagrams represent the changing 4-bit data values. During time interval t0 the 4-bit data value is 0000, during time interval t1, the data value changes to 1. Similarly during time intervals t2, t3, t4 up to t8 the data values change to 0010, 0011, 0100 and 1000 respectively. During interval t0 the output of the two XOR gates is 0 and 0, therefore the output of the XNOR gate is 1. At interval t1, the outputs of the two XOR gates is 1 and 0, therefore the output of the XNOR gate is 0. The output P can similarly be traced for intervals t2 to t8.
The total gate count is
- One 8 input OR gate
- Eight 4 input AND gates
- Ten NOT gates
The expression can be simplified using a Karnaugh map, figure 13.4, and then the simplified expression can be implemented to reduce the gate count. The simplified expression is AB + CD +BC . The circuit implemented using the expression AB + CD +BC has reduced to 3 input OR gate and 2 input AND gates.
The simplified Adjacent 1s Detector circuit uses only four gates reducing the cost, The size of the circuit and the power requirement. The propagation delay of the circuit is of the order of two gates.
A typical GAL has eight or more inputs to the reprogrammable AND array and 8 or more input/outputs from its "Output Logic Macro CellsOLMCs. The OLMCs can be programmed to Combinational Logic or Registered Logic. Combinational Logic is used for combinational circuits, where as Registered Logic is based on Sequential circuits.
The four OLMC configurations are- o Combination Mode with active-low output
- o Combinational Mode with active-high output
- o Registered Mode with active-low output
- o Registered Mode with active-high output