vu cs201 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.6
vu cs201 Introduction to Programming Solved Past Papers
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The scope of private data member of a class is that, only an access is allowed within the class. Only member function of class can access and modify the value of data member value. Derived class or class instance/object can?t directly access. Data Member will created for each separate object in the memory and will eliminated when object will be destroy. Object could be destroy by calling its destructor. Example:
Class arthimetic {Private:
int a,b;
Add() {
A+b; // direct access by member function Correct Access
Int main() {
Arthimetic c1;
C1.a=4; // is illegal access to class private data member error will generate by compiler
Setters and getters functions are provided by class to access the its members it also minimizes the changes to move the objects in inconsistent state as we can write checks in our setter functions for example we can check that whether the user has entered correct age value and has not entered negative value for age.
- They help to define the variable in an interface
- To make a variable read-only
- Notify other methods / classes when the value is changed
- Data vulnerability
- Programming bugs
- Tough debugging
Neural Network
Hardware or software that attempt to emulate the processing patterns of the biological brain. It is a device, modeled after the human brain, in which several interconnected elements process information simultaneously, adapting and learning from past patterns.