vu mth718 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.12

vu mth718 Topics in Numerical Methods Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu mth718 Topics in Numerical Methods which belongs to vu organization. We have 17 past papers available related to the book/course Topics in Numerical Methods. This past paper has a total of 10 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.

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Question 8: Write the general syntax for the declaration of pre-increment and post-increment member operator function.
Classname operator ++(); ---- pre increment
Classname operator ++(int) ---- post increment
Question 9: Write the general syntax of a class that has one function as a friend of a class along with definition of friend function.
class frinedclass{
friend int compute(exforsys e1)
Int compute(exforsys e1){
//Friend Function Definition which has access to private data
return int(e1.a+e2.b)-5;
Question 10: Write the procedure of data insertion in middle of the files by Merge Method practiced in older systems
  1. Opened the data file and a new empty file.
  2. Started reading the data file from beginning of it.
  3. Kept on copying the read data into the new file until the location we want to insert data into is reached. · Inserted (appended) new data in the new file.
  4. Skipped or jumped the data in the data file that is to be overwritten or replaced.
  5. Copied (appended) the remaining part of the file at the end of the new file
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