vu mgt411 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.1
vu mgt411 Money & Banking Solved Past Papers
This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu mgt411 Money & Banking which belongs to vu organization. We have 7 past papers available related to the book/course Money & Banking. This past paper has a total of 10 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.
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Column Widths
Select the column and right click from the mouse there is a option of column width click on it and it ll show you the current width of the column you put your require width in it. Same ways for one columns or all.
Row height,
Select the number of rows you want to change the height right click at the border area of the rows there is a option of change row height. Click on it, it ll show you the current height of the rows there you can put the require height of the row you need.
Electronic mail, also written as E-mail, is an electronic transmission of messages, letters and documents. It includes point to point services in which text file, that is, sent or received can be edited. The basic concept of E-mail is to send and receive messages as quickly as possible with the addition of sounds, graphics, links and etc, which can never be possible through the old postage system as that took long and also has to go through countries borders.
E-mail typically is used for conversations that are not urgent and for dialogues that are expected to continue over a period of time. The structure of e-mail eliminates interruptions associated with telephone conversations or electronic pagers. It also permits asynchronous communication, which can benefit both the sender and the recipient in our busy society.
The slide layout in PowerPoint is the arrangement of all the items that make up your slide, such as title, graphics or text boxes. Yes we can change the default layout.
To modify the layout, first you will need to go into the view tab and then click on the slide master button. Then click on the first slide, and changes that you make to this slide will be used by the other layout slides shown below the slide master. Use all of the tools on the tab to set the dimensions, theme and background styles for your slides.
When you have finished this, click in the title text box and use the tools in the drawing tools format tab and the home tab in order to modify the style of your text. Next click on the contents text box and change the styles for the different levels of text.