vu it430 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.6

vu it430 E-Commerce Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

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Question 1: Facts about origin of language 5 facts.

Over 400 million people use the English vocabulary as a mother tongue, only surpassed in numbers, but not in distribution by speakers of the many varieties of Chinese. Over 700 million people speak English as a foreign language. Did you know that of all the world's languages (over 2,700),

English is arguably the richest in vocabulary and that the Oxford English Dictionary lists about 500,000 words, and there are a half-million technical and scientific terms still uncataloguedThree-quarters of the world's mail, telexes, and cables are in English.

More than half of the world's technical and scientific periodicals are in English. English is the medium for 80% of the information stored in the world's computers.

English is the language of navigation and aviation.

Five of the largest broadcasting companies in the world (CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, and CBC) transmit in English, reaching millions and millions of people all over the world.

Question 2: How did the natives of West Saxon territory treat the Anglo-Saxon.
in the West Saxon territory, the invaders met with stubborn resistance and succeeded in establishing themselves only after much fighting.
Question 3: Importance of London Standard
By far, the most influential factor in the rise of Standard English was the importance of London as the capital of England. Importance of London Standard was due to certain reasons: London was, and still is:
  1. The political capital of England
  2. Commercial center of England
  3. Seat of the court of the highest judicial tribunals
  4. Focus of the social and intellectual activities London economy was especially important as an engine of communication and exchange,' which enabled ideas and information to be distributed and business to be done. The Spread of the London Standard In the latter part of the fifteenth century, the London standard had been accepted, at least in writing, in most parts of the country. Introduction of printing in 1476 was a reason and a new influence of great importance in the dissemination of London English. London was the center of book publishing. Caxton, the first English printer, used the current speech of London. In the sixteenth century, the use of London English had become a matter of principle as well as practice.

The process of development can be seen in the Peterborough Chronicle. Peterborough Chronicle was written in installments from 1070 to 1154.

Question 4: Language of law court.
French was the language of lawyers and the law courts down to 1362.
Question 5: Origin of word 'English'.
The word 'English' is derived from the name of the Angles (OE Engle) but is used without distinction for the language of all the invading tribes.
Question 6: Role of literature in language.
Literature is a mirror of times and also a mirror of language/s used during the times. So for example, literature written in England during the Middle English period also reflects the times and language choices of the times.

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