vu it430 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.3

vu it430 E-Commerce Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu it430 E-Commerce which belongs to vu organization. We have 8 past papers available related to the book/course E-Commerce. This past paper has a total of 10 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.

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Question 1: Write a note on basic components that make up an email system.

Basic components that make up an email system are given below:

  1. User: These are usually people but may be computer application
  2. Messages: These are the information which is send by one user to another
  3. Protocols: Which describe the structure of the message. Each email system use a protocol which describe the structure of the message such as TO, subjects and from
  4. Sender's and recipient's address: These parts include addresses of both sender and receiver.
  5. Gateways: When a message is pass from one user to another user it must pass through a gateway to delivered
  6. Value-added networks: These are the public telecommunication such as PTCL
  7. Messaging Transport: Software which transport a message from one system to another.
Question 2: Write a note on beginnings & endings in a letter.

When you begin your message make whether your reader will respond favorably or unfavorably to the message. Keep main idea or good-news in the beginning. The opening must be impressive in a way that it captures the attention of the reader. So always choose appropriate openings that suit the purpose of your message.

An effective ending will motivate the reader to act as requested. If no direct request is required, leave the reader with some expression of regard, assurance, appreciation or willingness to help. Always remember that closings should be strong, clear and polite. They should leave a sense of closure and goodwill with the receiver.


Beginning: If it is good news then the beginning should start with the main idea and take some buffer in case of bad news. There should be appropriate beginning so that the reader must continue to read the whole letter.

Ending: It should be polite, strong and make clear the reader about message. Ending should so effective that the reader acts as requested. Some polite words should add at the ending like regards thanking in anticipation etc.

Question 3: Write a note on different punctuation styles?
Following are three different punctuation style:

1. Close Punctuation

Parts of heading, date, inside address, salutation and complimentary close are punctuated.

2. Standard Punctuation

No line of heading or inside address is punctuated. After salutation and complimentary close a comma is placed.

3. Open Punctuation

It requires no punctuation even after the salutation and the complimentary close.
Question 7: Write down names of standard parts of a business letter.

Standard Parts of the Letter

Most business letters have the following parts:

  1. Heading
  2. Date
  3. Inside address
  4. Salutation
  5. Body
  6. Complimentary close
  7. Signature
  8. Reference Section
Question 8: Write down the format of Semi Block Form of letter.
This form is much used in Pakistan. Heading, date, complimentary close and signature sections begin at the horizontal of the page or are placed so that they end near the right-hand margin. First line of each paragraph is indented five to seven spaces. Only closed form of punctuation is used in this form. This letter style is attractive on the page.
Question 9: Write only the body of an order letter to ABC Company for the purchase of weather vanes?
Dear Sir,
You are requested that please send us the advertised weather vanes. We need 100 weather vanes for our shop. We hope we will continue our business in future.
A cheque is enclosed.
Sincerely yours
Question 10: Write short notes on the following:
1- Importance of communication in your career
2- Developing the right attitude

Importance of communication in career: The ability to communicate effectively is very important for a business management student. Since this field requires more of mental work so it is important to communicate the ideas and skills effectively to others to reach the desired individual and organizational goals. It is important while working in groups. In order to perform the job effectively it is very important to communicate with the coworkers and the seniors this will help in accomplishing the job.

Developing the right attitude: Attitude is a persistent tendency to feel and behave in a particular way toward some object. Attitude describes people and their behavior. Receiver's attitude towards a message determines whether it will be accepted or rejected. People react favorably when they receive agreeable message.

Receiver's view of information affects the response. People react according to their attitudes towards a situation rather than to the facts. So developing the right attitude is very important. Since people develop their attitudes from experience

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