vu cs507 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.6
vu cs507 Information Systems Solved Past Papers
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Incremental Models
In incremental models, software is built not written. Software is constructed step by step in the same way a building is constructed. The products is designed, implemented, integrated and tested as a series of incremental builds, where a build consists of code pieces from various modules interacting together to provide a specific functional capability and testable as a whole.
Iterative Models
In these models customer feed back is taken at each phase and project is modified accordingly - if need be. Prototypes are used in these models
Incremental vs. Iterative
These sound similar, and sometimes are equated but there is a subtle difference:
- Incremental: add to the product at each phase
- Iterative: re-do the product at each phase
Example: Building a House
- Incremental: Starts with a modest house, keep adding rooms and upgrades to it.o Iterative: The design/construction map of the house is amended and improved and repeated until all the requirements are fulfilled.
- Iterative: The design/construction map of the house is amended and improved andrepeated until all the requirements are fulfilled.