vu cs302 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.4
vu cs302 Digital Logic Design Solved Past Papers
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Maintenance issue: Every data item received must be aggregated into every cube (assuming "to-date" summaries are maintained). Lot of work.
Storage issue: As dimensions get less detailed (e.g., year vs. day) cubes get much smaller, but storage consequences for building hundreds of cubes can be significant. Lot of space.
Often have difficulty scaling when the size of dimensions becomes large. The breakpoint is typically around 64,000 cardinality of a dimension. curse of Dimensionality i.e. Scalability
MOLAP implementations with pre-defined cubes as pre-aggregated data perform very well when compared to relational databases, but often have difficulty scaling when the size of dimensions becomes large. The breakpoint is typically around 64,000 cardinality of a dimension. Typically beyond tens (sometimes small hundreds) of thousands of entries in a single dimension will break the MOLAP model because the pre-computed cube model does not work well when the cubes are very sparse in their population of individual cells. Some implementations are also limited to a file size for the cube representation that must be less than 2GB (this is less often an issue than a few years ago). You just can not build cubes big enough, or enough of them to have every thing precomputed. So you get into the problems of scale. As already discussed, it is difficult to scale because of combinatorial explosion in the number and size of cubes when dimensions of significant cardinality are required. There are two possible, but limited solutions addressing the scalability problem i.e. Virtual cubes and partitioned cubes.