vu cs302 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.1
vu cs302 Digital Logic Design Solved Past Papers
This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu cs302 Digital Logic Design which belongs to vu organization. We have 5 past papers available related to the book/course Digital Logic Design. This past paper has a total of 10 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.
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Accessor functions are used to access private data of the object, we provide accessor functions to get and set private data members of the class.
class Student{…
int rollNo;
void setRollNo(int aRollNo){
rollNo = aRollNo;
Avoiding Error
void Student::setRollNo(int aRollNo){
if(aRollNo < 0){
rollNo = 0;
Binary Operators Overloading
Binary operators act on two quantities.
Examples of binary operators:
overloading + operator:class Complex{
double real, img;
Complex operator +(const Complex & rhs);
Complex Complex::operator +( const Complex & rhs){
Complex t;
t.real = real + rhs.real;
t.img = img + rhs.img;
return t;
An object may be composed of other smaller objects, the relationship between the "part" objects and the "whole" object is known as Composition, and Composition is represented by a line with a filled-diamond head towards the composer object. For example a man and his body parts have the relation of "part" objects and the "whole" object is known as Composition of man. (Page 52)