Which Of The Following Should Be Used To Find All The Courses #108
Which of the following should be used to find all the courses taught in the Fall 2009 semester but not in the Spring 2010 semester?
This multiple choice question (MCQ) is related to the book/course gs gs116 Microsoft SQL Server. It can also be found in gs gs116 Laying the Foundation - Aggregation of Data - Quiz No.1.
Which of the following should be used to find all the courses taught in the Fall 2009 semester but not in the Spring 2010 semester?
Select distinct course id from section where semester = ’Fall’ and year= 2009 and course id not in (select course id from section where semester = ’Spring’ and year= 2010);
Select distinct course_id from instructor where name not in (’Fall’, ’Spring’);
Select course id from section where semester = 'Spring' and year= 2010);
Select count (distinct ID) from takes where (course id, sec id, semester, year) in (select course id, sec id, semester, year from teaches where teaches.ID= 10101);
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