gs gs116 Performance Tuning and Optimization - Working With Transaction Log - Quiz No.1

gs gs116 Microsoft SQL Server Quiz

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This quiz belongs to book/course code gs gs116 Microsoft SQL Server of gs organization. We have 100 quizzes available related to the book/course Microsoft SQL Server. This quiz has a total of 10 multiple choice questions (MCQs) to prepare and belongs to topic Performance Tuning and Optimization. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to prepare online MCQs and quizzes.

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Question 1: The transaction log supports which of the following operations?
Question 2: Point out the correct statement.
Question 3: Which of the log_reuse_wait_desc value has log_reuse_wait value 0?
Question 5: Point out the wrong statement.
Question 9: Internal checkpoint is generated in response to which of the following event?

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