vu mgt602 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.3
vu mgt602 Entrepreneurship Solved Past Papers
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Employee Share Schemes sec 14:
The value of a right or option to acquire share under this scheme shall be not chargeable to tax.
Where shares issued are subject to a restriction on transfer of the shares
a) no amount shall be chargeable to tax under the head Salary until the earlier of- i. the time the employee has a free right to transfer the shares; or
- ii. the time the employee disposes of the shares &
b) the amount chargeable to tax to the employee shall be fair market value of shares at the time employee has free right to transfer as reduced be any amount given as consideration for the grant of a right or option to acquire the shares.
Where in a tax year an employee disposes of a right or option to acquire shares under an employee share scheme, the amount chargeable to tax shall include the amount of any gain made on the disposal computed accordance with the following formula:
Where A is the consideration received from the disposal of the right or option. B is the employee's cost in respect of the right or option.
G = [(1 + TR1) (1 + TR2) ... (1 + TRn)]1/n - 1