vu isl201 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.2
vu isl201 Islamic Studies Solved Past Papers

This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu isl201 Islamic Studies which belongs to vu organization. We have 4 past papers available related to the book/course Islamic Studies. This past paper has a total of 10 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.
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Margin and Padding
Margin and Padding are two very similar properties that are also related to an element's size. All FrameworkElements have a Margin property, and all Controls (plus Border) have a Padding property. Their only difference is that Margin controls how much extra space gets placed around the outside edges of the element, whereas Padding controls how much extra space gets placed around the inside edges of the element.
Both Margin and Padding are of type System.Windows.Thickness, an interesting class that can represent one, two, or four double values. The meaning of these values is demonstrated in Listing 4.1, which applies various Padding and Margin settings to Label controls. The second set of Labels is wrapped in Borders because the margin settings would not be noticeable otherwise. Figure 4.2 shows the rendered result for each Label if each one is individually placed in a Canvas (a panel covered in the next chapter).
Although not shown in this figure, Margin permits negative values. Padding does not.
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Top" Background="Red">1 (Top)</Button>
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Left" Background="Orange">2 (Left)</Button>
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Right" Background="Yellow">3 (Right)</Button>
Layout with Panels
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Background="Lime">4 (Bottom)</Button> <Button Background="Aqua">5</Button>