vu cs605 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.4

vu cs605 Software EngineeringII Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu cs605 Software EngineeringII which belongs to vu organization. We have 4 past papers available related to the book/course Software EngineeringII. This past paper has a total of 6 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.

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Question 2: What guide lines to over come the stage fright?

Know the room. Be familiar with where you will speak. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.

Know the audience. Greet some of them as they arrive. It's easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.

Know your material. If you're not familiar or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practice your speech and revise it if necessary.

Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises.

Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.

Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

Don't apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologise for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience's attention to something they hadn't noticed.

Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.

Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking.

Question 3: What is periodical?


It is also called serials are publications printed in intervals that continue to be printed for an indefinite period of time. Journals, magazines, and newspapers are types of periodicals.

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