vu cs401 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.5
vu cs401 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Solved Past Papers
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Manager should use teams during work for every kind of work, manager should use teams but if a work is challenging and complex then the use of teams is increased or critical work
- to complete a certain task
- to meet the objectives of the company
- to attain goals
- to meet the targets
The rational model makes no acknowledgment of cultural differences. We need to recognize that the cultural background of the decision maker can have significant influence on:
- selection of problems
- depth of analysis
- the importance placed on logic and rationality
- whether organizational decisions should be made autocratically by an individual manager or collectively in groups
Cultures, for example, differ in terms of time orientation, the importance of rationality, their belief in the ability of people to solve problems, and preference for collective decision making.
To build and effective team for different tasks , manager of an organization need to understand the individual strength bringing each person to the team. While selecting the person , manager should keep in mind the strength of the person and should allocate the work assignment accordingly.
Following are the main points which a manager need to keep in mind while building an effective team for different tasks.
1- Size of team:
- Very small teams are likely to lack for diversity of views.
- Large teams have difficulty getting much done.
- c . Best range of numbers of team members is 5-12
2- Member flexibility:
It will improve the adoptability and will make it less valiant on any single member.
3- Leader ship
Agreeing on the specifics of work and how they fit together to integrate individual skills requires team leadership and structure. Leader ship not always require self managed teams often perform better than team.
4- Climate of trust:
Members should trust not only each other but also on their leaders it will help to take risk and commitment to the goals of their leaders.
Without conflicts a team is likely to become apathetic and stagnant. On teams performing non-routine activities, disagreements among members about task content is not detrimental. It is often beneficial because it lessens the likelihood of groupthink.
Social loafing:
Effective teams undermine this tendency by holding themselves accountable at both the individual and team level.