vu cs401 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.4

vu cs401 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

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Question 2: Differentiate between external economies of scale and external diseconomies of scale with the help of examples.

External economies

These are the benefits which are accured to any firm in the presence of other firms. For example setting of credit information bureaus by bank , advertising by industry such as rival industry.

Discovery of new techniques.

This type of economy occurs when an industry is heavily concentrated in a particular area.

Economies is available to all firms for example construction of roads

External diseconomies of scale

These are the forces which causes the large firms to produce goods and services at increased per unit costs.

This type of scale occurs when an industry grows larger and shortage of skilled laor taking place and shortage of raw materials are the types of external diseconomies.

When a firm become large then supervision of workers become difficult and problem is created for management is taking place which cause adverse effect on efficiency.

Question 4: Name of the organizations which are combating the great security threat.
  1. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
  2. Systems Administrator, Audit, Network and Security Institute (SANS Institute)
Question 5: Name the JavaScript function that convert strings to float numbers. How do you give the function a string value to convert to a number?

String to number

If you want to change a string to a number, first make sure there are only the characters 0-9 in the string. What I always do is simply multiplying the string by 1.
var c = '1234';
d = c * 1;
Since multiplying assumes numbers, JavaScript makes the string a number, if possible. If that isn't possible, the result is NaN. Note that you cannot do
var c = '1234';
d = c + 0;
Question 6: Performance of web servers can be evaluated mainly on the basis of two factors. What are they?
We can evaluate web servers performance by below basic factors.

1. Response time.

This is one of the basic factor to evaluate the web server process,we can evaluate performance of web server by its response time,once you write web add how long it take to open its home page.

2. Request process time.

Secondly we can evaluate performance of web server by the time which server take to do process, suppose you submit some

Question 7: Short Note on Circuit Firewall
Circuit-level firewalls are similar in operation to packet-filtering firewalls, but they operate at the transport and session layers of the OSI model. The biggest difference between a packet-filtering firewall and a circuit-level firewall is that a circuit-level firewall validates TCP and UDP sessions before opening a connection, or circuit, through the firewall. When the session is established, the firewall maintains a table of valid connections and lets data pass through when session information matches an entry in the table. The table entry is removed, and the circuit is closed when the session is terminated
Question 8: Suppose, there is an applet at "". Write the code to include this applet in your web page.
<HTML><BODY><APPLET CODE= "" width=100 height=200> DEMO </APPLET></BODY> </HTML>
Question 9: A decision making style is the combination of an individual's perception and his response to certain information. Explain different decision making styles exhibited by managers.

Decision-Making Styles

Research on decision styles has identified four different individual approaches to making decisions.

o Directive:

  1. Low tolerance for ambiguity and seek rationality
  2. Efficient and logical
  3. Decisions are made with minimal information and with few alternatives assessed.
  4. Make decisions fast and focus on the short-run.

o Analytic

  1. Greater tolerance for ambiguity
  2. Desire for more information and consideration of more alternatives
  3. Best characterized as careful decision makers with the ability to adapt to or cope with new situations

o Conceptual

  1. Tend to be very broad in their outlook and consider many alternatives
  2. Their focus is long range, and they are very good at finding creative solutions to problems.

o Behavioral

Question 10: Compare Hofstede's cultural dimensions with the GLOBE framework.

Hofstede's cultural dimensions

Quantity of life versus quality of life:

In quality of life people give more values to the relationships and to concentrate on welfare of others

Uncertainty avoidance:

which people structured over unstructured situations

Power distance: people think that power in the country is not distributed equally.

Individualism versus collectivism

Individualism is the degree to which people pefer to act individuals instead of group.

Collectivism give low priority to individualism.

Global Frame work

Future Orientation: The extent to which a society encourages and rewards future-oriented behaviors such as planning, investing.

This is almost like Long-term versus short-term orientation of Hofstede's cultural dimensions

Assertiveness: A society encourages people to be tough, and competitive versus

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