vu mth101 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.1
vu mth101 Calculus And Analytical Geometry Solved Past Papers

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- Object
- Event Handler
- Local Variable
- Scope of Variable
- Array
A named collection of properties(data, state) & methods (instructions, behavior)Event Handler
An event handler is acommand which calls a function when an event happens, such as the user click in ga buttonLocal Variable
Declaring variables (using the var keyword) within a function, makes them localoThey are available only within the function and hold no meaning outside of itScope of Variable
Defining the space in which a variable is effective is known asdefining the scope of a variable. A variable can be either local or global in scope
An indexed list of elementsEmpire Building
Empire building is a business term that refers to a common problem in larger organizations, in which managers attempt to gather more administrative and financial power. Power can only be shared in an organization with key employees in terms of their responsibilities & functions. Such employees are the key players in the decision making process. Hence decisions taken in an organization are a result of collective efforts of the leaders involved. This model is also termed as Political Model.
Garbage Can Model
This model states that organizations are not rational. Decisions made are largely on accidental basis. Hence wrong solutions may be applied to wrong problems in an organization and critical mistakes may occur. Information systems should be designed to support and assist in relevant decision making, instead of making unrelated and wrong decisions.
Iterative Models
In these models customer feed back is taken at each phase and project is modified accordingly - if need be. Prototypes are used in these models.
Incremental Models
In incremental models, software is built not written. Software is constructed step by step in the same way a building is constructed. The products is designed, implemented, integrated and tested as a series of incremental builds, where a build consists of code pieces from various modules interacting together to provide a specific functional capability and testable as a whole.