vu mgt502 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.2

vu mgt502 Organizational Behaviour Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

This subjective solved past paper is related to book/course code vu mgt502 Organizational Behaviour which belongs to vu organization. We have 3 past papers available related to the book/course Organizational Behaviour. This past paper has a total of 10 subjective questions belongs to topic Mid Term to get prepared. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to get prepared for exams by learning subjective questions online on NVAEducatio.

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Question 1: Define Income that is charged to tax under section 2(9).

Business Defined Section 2(9)

Business includes any trade, commerce, manufacture, profession, vocation but doesn't include employment
Following incomes (except exempt income) shall be charged to tax under the head 'Income from Business'.
  1. Profits & Gains from any business in a tax year.
  2. Income derived from any trade, profession, sale of goods or provision of any services.
  3. Income from hire or lease of tangible movable property.
  4. FMV of Perquisites derived by a person by virtue of business relationships.
  5. e) Management Fee derived by a management company.
Income from Business also includes:
  1. Any profit on debt derived by a person. (it is only applicable to such person, whose is business is to derive such income. e.g.; a banking company)
  2. Any amount received by schedule bank from mutual fund, as share of profit.
  3. Profit earned on debts in course business shall be chargeable to 'income from business'.
  4. Income on leasing by lessor, being banks, leasing companies etc.
  5. Income derived from any trade, profession, sale of goods or provision of any services.
  6. Income from hire or lease of tangible movable property
  7. FMV of Perquisites derived by a person by virtue of business relationships.
  8. Management Fee derived by a management company
Question 3: Define tax year and its types
Sec. 2(68) read with Sec. 74---Tax year means a period of 12 months ending on June 30th which is also called Normal Tax Year.

Type of Taxes

  1. Direct taxes
  2. Indirect Taxes
  3. Proportional Taxes
  4. Progressive Taxes
  5. Regressive taxes
  6. Value Added Taxes.
Question 9: Enumerate the essentials of Taxation Management.
  1. Understanding and application of updated laws particularly tax laws, rules and procedures.
  2. Application/use of benefits such as Tax credits, rebates, exemptions, reductions etc. available under the law.
  3. Maintenance of Records/Books of Accounts as per requirement of law.
  4. Disclosure of true facts (no concealment).
Question 10: If Mr. Basit resident of Pakistan suffered a foreign loss against the income received from foreign country in tax year 2008-09. What is the treatment of such loss. Which section deals this kind of loss?
Under Sec.104 Foreign losses Deductible expenditures incurred by a person in deriving foreign source income chargeable to tax under a head of income shall be deductible only against that income. These type of losses carried forward up to six years.

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