vu cs501 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.1
vu cs501 Advance Computer Architecture Solved Past Papers
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- Coding guidelines
- Guidelines for developing short programs.
- Always use semicolons to end statements
- Indent blocks of code (2 to 5 spaces)
- Identifiers
- Use the camel back scheme
- Variables: nouns
- Functions: verbs
- Comment Liberally
- Make them descriptive but concise
- Read and understand the problem
- Do you have all the required data?
- No: Get it
- Else assume it. State it explicitly
- Do the design
- Vector or Object-Oriented Graphics:
- Bit-Mapped or Raster Graphics:
Vector or Object-Oriented Graphics
In Vector or object oriented graphic everything drawn is treated as object. objects retain their identity after they are drawon. these objects can later be moved, stretched, duplicated, deleted,etc. they are resolution independent and have relatively small file size. the examples are: swf, svg, wmf, ps brass_ibrahim: Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics.
brass_ibrahim: The term "vector graphics" is mainly used today in the context of two-dimensional computer graphics Virtually all modern 3D rendering is done using extensions of 2D vector graphics techniques .Virtually all modern 3D rendering is done using extensions of 2D vector graphics techniques
Bit-Mapped or Raster Graphics:
Treats everything that is drawn as a bit-map. If an object is drawn on top of another, it is difficult to move just one of them while leaving the other untouched. Changing the resolution often requires considerable touch-up work Relatively large file size
Examples: gif, jpg, bmpSHAREWARE
- These are shared freely.
- It is given without payment ahead of time.
- Software is offered for a trial period.
- When the period is expired it is no
C, I, G, X, M, T, S, prices, exchange rate, interest rate and money supply.
The Exogenous growth model, also known as the Neo-classical growth model or Solow growth model is a term used to sum up the contributions of various authors to a model of long-run economic growth within the framework of neoclassical economics.
Exogenous growth theory suffered from three major weaknesses: i.e It could not explain why the gap between the poor and rich countries had widened (anticatch up),
- ii. It could not explain why some countries in East Asia had apparently grown consistently on the back of higher saving rates, and
- iii. It modeled technology as exogenous, and beyond the influence of policy.
In economics, endogenous growth theory or new growth theory was developed in the 1980s as a response to criticism of the neo-classical growth model OR exogenous growth theory