vu cs301 Mid Term Subjective Solved Past Paper No.2

vu cs301 Data Structures Solved Past Papers

Solved Past Papers

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Question 2: How we can overload Stream Extraction and Insertion Operators in c++? Give example code for Complex Number Class.

Overloading Stream Insertion Operator

class Complex{
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const Complex & c);
Stream Insertion operator
// we want the output as: (real, img)
ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const Complex & c){
os << "(" << c.real << "," << c.img << ")?;
return os;
Overloading Stream Extraction Operator
class Complex{
friend istream & operator >> (istream & i, Complex & c);
Question 3: Compare connection oriented and connectionless Service.

In connection-oriented protocol, authentication is needed while this is not case in connectionless protocol.

In connection-oriented protocol, we have to establish connection between sender and receiver while this is not case in connectionless protocol.

Example of connection-oriented protocol is TCP and the example of connectionless protocol is UDP,Internet.

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, it makes a connection and checks whether the data is received, and resends if it is not. UDP is a connectionless protocol, it does not guarantee delivery by first connecting and checking whether data is received.

Question 5: Define Vector-Distance Algorithm.
Packet switches wait for next update message and they iterate through entries in message. If entry has shortest path to destination, insert source as next hop to destination and record distance as distance from next hop to destination plus distance from this switch to next hop. (Page 155)
Question 6: Describe permanent virtual circuits (PVC).

ATM can provide customers with virtual circuits that look like traditional leased digital circuits. Such permanent virtual circuits (PVC) last as long as the customer pay the periodic fee for its use. The forwarding tables are automatically restored after power of equipment failure. The forwarding table entries for such permanent VC's are statically configured, the terms used by Telco's for this is provisioning.

Provisioning requires two steps:
  1. To determine a complete path (that is, identify the switches that will be used).
  2. To choose appropriate VPI/VCI for each step in the path, and configure each adjacent pair of switches (easy, since each switch rewrites the VCI/VPI).
(Page 69)
Question 7: Give a comparison of wiring Schemes.

The wiring schemes are compared as follows:

Separate transceiver allows computers to be powered off or disconnected from network without disrupting other communication.

Transceiver may be located in an inconvenient place, so finely malfunction transceiver can be hard.

In other case, thin coax cable takes minimum of cable. Disconnecting one computer (on one loose connection) can disrupt entire network.

Hub wiring centralizes electronics and connections. It makes management easier. Bottom line 10Base-T is most popular because of lowest cost.

(Page 44)
Question 8: How can a bridge know whether to forward frames?

The bridges configure themselves automatically to decide which bridge will forward broadcast frames and which bridge will not.

The bridges communicate with each other on the network and use Distributed Spanning Tree (DST) algorithm to decide which bridge will not forward frames if a cycle occurs. (Page 53)

Question 10: What are default routes draw the table.
Routing table entries can be collapsed with a default route. If the destination does not have in explicit routing table entry, then it uses a default route. Default routes for 4 nodes are shown in the figure below. (Page 60)

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