vu phy101 Final Term - Quiz No.1
vu phy101 Physics Quiz

This quiz belongs to book/course code vu phy101 Physics of vu organization. We have 6 quizzes available related to the book/course Physics. This quiz has a total of 10 multiple choice questions (MCQs) to prepare and belongs to topic Final Term. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to prepare online MCQs and quizzes.
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Question 1: Light year is a unit of:
Question 2: The center of mass of a uniform disk of radius R is located:
at the center
a distance R/3 from the center
a distance R/2 from the center
on the rim
Question 3: Which of the following statement is TRUE of sound intensity and decibel levels? Identify all that apply.
The intensity of sound which corresponds to the threshold of pain is one trillion times more intense than the sound which corresonds to the threshold of hearing.
Two sounds which have a ratio of decible ratings equal to 2.0. This means that the second sound is twice as intense as the first sound.
Sound A is 20 times more intense than the sound B. So if sound B is rated at 30 dB, then sound A is rated at 50 dB.
A machine produces a sound which is rated at 60 dB. If two of the machines were used at the same time, the decibel rating would be 120 dB.
Question 4: Following are the ways by which light can interact with matter, EXCEPT:
Question 5: The work done by gravity during the descent of a projectile:
depends for its sign on the direction of the y axis
is positive
is negative
is zero
Question 6: In __________ object returns to its original position if displaced slightly
dynamic equilibrium
stable equilibrium
unstable equilibrium
rotational equilibrium
Question 7: Which pair will always have the same magnitude to the rate of change of position?
Average velocity and instantaneous velocity
Average speed and instantaneous speed
Instantaneous speed and instantaneous velocity
Average speed and average velocity
Question 8: Acceleration in a body is always produced in the direction of:
Question 9: A vector is obtained by dividing the vector by its magnitude:
Question 10: When a spring is compressed or stretched, the potential energy of the spring
stays constant
Becomes zero