gs gs125 Cyber Security - Social Engineering and Physical Hacking - Quiz No.1

gs gs125 Machine Learning Quiz

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This quiz belongs to book/course code gs gs125 Machine Learning of gs organization. We have 76 quizzes available related to the book/course Machine Learning. This quiz has a total of 12 multiple choice questions (MCQs) to prepare and belongs to topic Cyber Security. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to prepare online MCQs and quizzes.

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Question 1: ___________ is a special form of attack using which hackers’ exploit – human psychology.
Question 5: Which of the following is not an example of social engineering?
Question 7: Tailgating is also termed as ___________
Question 9: Stealing pen drives and DVDs after tailgating is an example of lack of _______ security.
Question 10: ________ is the ability of an individual to gain physical access to an authorized area.
Question 11: Which of the following is not considering the adequate measure for physical security?
Question 12: Which of the following is not a physical security measure to protect against physical hacking?

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