gs gs124 Advanced Encryption Algorithm and Block Cipher Operation - DES Modes of Operation - Quiz No.1
gs gs124 Introduction Cyber Security Quiz
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i) The Plain text is broken into blocks of size 128 bytes
ii) Blocks can be swapped, repeated, replaced without recipient noticing
iii) Good for short data
iv) Encryption of each block is done separately using a randomly generated key for each block
i) In the CBC mode, the plaintext block is XORed with previous ciphertext block before encryption
ii) The CTR mode does not require an Initialization Vector
iii) The last block in the CBC mode uses an Initialization Vector
iv) In CBC mode repetitions in plaintext do not show up in ciphertext
i) Transmission errors
ii) A bit error in a ciphertext segment
iii) Cannot recover from lost ciphertext segments
iv) Ciphertext or segment loss