gs gs113 Query Optimization - Query Mechanics - Quiz No.1
gs gs113 MySQL Quiz
This quiz belongs to book/course code gs gs113 MySQL of gs organization. We have 126 quizzes available related to the book/course MySQL. This quiz has a total of 9 multiple choice questions (MCQs) to prepare and belongs to topic Query Optimization. NVAEducation wants its users to help them learn in an easy way. For that purpose, you are free to prepare online MCQs and quizzes.
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Question 1: Which compiler is used to execute the structured query language?
None of the mentioned
Question 2: Which among the following tags belong to Data definition language?
All of the mentioned
Question 3: Which among the following tags belong to Data Manipulation language?
All of the mentioned
Question 4: Query Mechanism performs the following functions?
Syntax correction
Checking permission for executing the query
Checking permission for accessing the desired data
All of the mentioned
Question 5: What jobs “Query Optimizer” perform in Mysql?
Determine the efficient way to execute a query
Syntax errors
All of the mentioned
Question 6: What is the meaning of “EMPTY SET” in the following MySQL command?
SELECT fname, lname, person_id FROM person WHERE lname=’s’; /* after Execution*/ Mysql tool return EMPTY SET 0:00sec
No values
Access denied
None of the mentioned
Question 7: Which are the two languages used in Mysql?
None of the mentioned
Question 8: The users responsible for query processing in database system are ___________
Native users
Application programmers
Sophisticated users
Specialized users
Question 9: Select the sequence for how the query mechanism works?
Authentication-> DDL->DML->query optimizer->output
DDL->DML->query optimizer-> Authentication->output
DML->query optimizer-> Authentication-> DDL-> output
All of the mentioned View Answer
Answers: a
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