Which Of The Following Statements Is Not True About Margin In #361
Which of the following statements is not true about margin in SVM?
This multiple choice question (MCQ) is related to the book/course gs gs126 Neural Networks. It can also be found in gs gs126 Support Vector Machines - Margin and Hard SVM - Quiz No.1.
Which of the following statements is not true about margin in SVM?
The margin of a hyperplane with respect to a training set is defined to be the minimal distance between a point in the training set and the hyperplane
The margin of a hyperplane with respect to a training set is defined to be the maximum distance between a point in the training set and the hyperplane
If a hyperplane has a large margin, then it will still separate the training set even if we slightly disturb each instance
True error of a half space can be bounded in terms of the margin that it has over the training sample
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