Consider The Following Algorithm Of Kargers Algorithm Given #1481
Consider the following algorithm of Karger’s algorithm given below. Which of the following best suits the blank?</p> <pre><code class="language-text">Let G=(V, E) while (V > 2) pick any edge e from E randomly __________________________ remove self-loops return the cut left with last 2 vertices </code></pre>
This multiple choice question (MCQ) is related to the book/course gs gs122 Data Communication and Computer Network. It can also be found in gs gs122 Minimum Cut - Karger’s Algorithm - Quiz No.1.
Consider the following algorithm of Karger’s algorithm given below. Which of the following best suits the blank?
Let G=(V, E) while (V > 2) pick any edge e from E randomly __________________________ remove self-loops return the cut left with last 2 vertices
merge or contract both vertices in a single vertex
delete the edge
delete both the vertex connected to it
contract the connected vertices
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