Given Below Are The Sql Statements Executed In A User Sessionp #119

Given below are the SQL statements executed in a user session:</p> <pre><code class="language-sql"> CREATE TABLE product (pcode NUMBER(2), pnameVARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO product VALUES(1, 'pen'); INSERT INTO product VALUES (2,'penci'); SAVEPOINT a; UPDATE product SET pcode = 10 WHERE pcode = 1; SAVEPOINT b; DELETE FROM product WHERE pcode = 2; COMMIT; DELETE FROM product WHERE pcode=10; ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT a; </code></pre> <p>Which statement describes the consequences?

Online Quiz This multiple choice question (MCQ) is related to the book/course gs gs117 Database Management System. It can also be found in gs gs117 Concurrency Control - Insertion Deletion Predicate Reads - Quiz No.1.

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