What Will Be The Efficiency Quotient Of The Following #184
What will be the efficiency quotient of the following JavaScript statements?</p> <pre><code class="language-javascript"> var Set = sets.Set; var s = new Set(1,2,3); </code></pre>
This multiple choice question (MCQ) is related to the book/course gs gs106 Javascript. It can also be found in gs gs106 Classes and Modules - JavaScript Modules - Quiz No.1.
What will be the efficiency quotient of the following JavaScript statements?
var Set = sets.Set; var s = new Set(1,2,3);
The programmer imports at once the frequently used values into the global namespace
There is no efficiency quotient, the programmer tries to make it inefficient
The programmer needs to import the Sets everytime he wants to use it
the programmer imports the set everytime the statement is encountered
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