Differentiate between the following Computer Aided Design and-02233

Online Quiz This subjective question is related to the book/course vu mth202 Discrete Mathematics. It can also be found in vu mth202 Mid Term Solved Past Paper No. 1.

Question 1: Differentiate between the following
Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

"It is a system that enables drawings to be constructed on a computer screen and subsequently stored, manipulated and updated electronically."

The ability to rotate or create movement in the design allows testing for clearances and frequently reduces the cost of prototyping the products. The technology is used for a wide variety of products in such fields as architecture, electronics, and aerospace, naval, and automotive engineering. Although CAD systems originally merely automated drafting, they now usually include three­dimensional modeling and computersimulatedoperation of the model. Rather than having to build prototypes and change components to determine the effects of tolerance ranges, engineers can use computers to simulate operation to determine loads and stresses. For example, an automobile manufacturer might use CAD to calculate the wind drag on several new car­body designs without having to build physical models of each one. In microelectronics, as devices have become smaller and more complex, CAD has become an especially important technology.

Among the benefits of such systems are lower product­development costs and a greatly shortened design cycle. While less expensive CAD systems running on personal computers have become available for do­ityourselfhome remodeling and simple drafting, state­of­the­art CAD systems running on workstations and mainframe computers are increasingly integrated with computer­aided manufacturing systems.

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Computer­aided manufacturing (CAM) is a form of automation where computers communicate work instructions directly to the manufacturing machinery.

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