Fill In The Blank With Reference To Rice8217s Theorembr For Any #768
Fill in the blank with reference to Rice’s theorem.<br /> For any non-trivial property of __________ no general or effective method can decide whether an algorithm computes it with that property.
This multiple choice question (MCQ) is related to the book/course gs gs101 Automata Theory. It can also be found in gs gs101 Undecidability - Rice's Theorem, Properties and PCP - Quiz No.1.
Fill in the blank with reference to Rice’s theorem.
For any non-trivial property of __________ no general or effective method can decide whether an algorithm computes it with that property.
For any non-trivial property of __________ no general or effective method can decide whether an algorithm computes it with that property.
partial functions
piecewise functions
all of the mentioned
none of the mentioned
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