Explain Carry propagation in Parallel binary adder-00327

Online Quiz This subjective question is related to the book/course vu cs201 Introduction to Programming. It can also be found in vu cs201 Mid Term Solved Past Paper No. 2.

Question 1: Explain Carry propagation in Parallel binary adder?
Parallel Binary Adders can be implemented by connecting the required number of 1-bit full adders in a configuration represented in figure 14.9. However, there is a practical limitation to the number of 1-bit Full-Adders that can be connected in parallel. In the 4-bit Parallel Adder, the Most significant bit adder which adds bits A3, B3 and the Carry bit C3, cannot proceed until it receives the Carry from the next least significant 1-bit adder which adds bits A2, B2. The A2, B2 bit adder cannot precede unless it receives the carry input C2 from the A1, B1 adder. The A1, B1 adder in tern depends on A0, B0 adder to provide the carry input. Thus the carry has to propagate through each Full-adder before it reaches the last or most significant full adder. (Page 137)

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