How can we change a Font style of a textWrite complete tag by-01765

Online Quiz This subjective question is related to the book/course vu it430 E-Commerce. It can also be found in vu it430 Mid Term Solved Past Paper No. 8.

Question 1: How can we change a Font style of a textWrite complete tag by using an example by yourself?
Font tag defines various font properties. Size, face and color are its attributes. Attributes can be used simultaneously in a tag as you can see below: <font size=5 color=red face=Arial>internet and ecommerce</ font>
Example code
<BODY> <H1>this is my main title</H1>
<p>here is the first paragraph. This is some <b> <i>bold text</i> </b> </p>
<p> <font face="Arial"> this text is in the Arial font. </font>

Choose an organization

Theme Customizer

Gaussian Texture

Gradient Background