Upload missing VU Handouts
There are some VU handouts required. Search for the missing handouts and provide us link to earn rewards.Detail
The following VU course code handouts are required:
bif402, bif731, bif732, bif733, bio731, bio732, bio733, bio734, bnk610, bnk611, bnk613, bt402, bt504, bt505, bt604, bt731, bt732, bt733, bt734, bt735, cs315, cs703, cs707, cs709, cs712, cs713, cs716, cs718, cs721, cs724, cs725, cs726, eco603, eco606, edu404, edu505, edu603, edu712, eth202, fin701, gen731, gen732, hrm626, hrm713, mcd402, mcd403, mcd404, mcd501, mcd502, mcd503, mcd504, mgmt615, mgmt617, mgmt628, mgmt631, mgmt715, mgmt727, mgmt731, mgt513, mgt522, mgt703, mgt705, mkt529, mkt603, mkt626, mkt627, mth706, mth7123, mth718, mth721, pad603, pak302, sec001, soc402, soc601, sta621, sta641, sta642, sta643, sta644, sta730, zoo102, zoo630, zoo731, acc707, bif101, bio102, bt601, cs409, cs503, cs511, cs608, cs612, ece101, ece202, ece301, eco607, eco609, eco612, eco613, edu433, edua305, eng524, eth100, hrm730, hrm737, mgt701, mgt725, psyp402, soc404, soc602, soc604, soc605, soc606, soc607, soc608, soc609, soc610, soc611, soc613, soc614, soc615, soc616, zoo103, zoo201, zoo302, zoo403
Your task is to find any of above handouts in PDF format and upload it on Google drive and provide the link (gdrive) in description to get rewards.